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Safety Inspection

Safety Management Standard

Safety Management System for LMO for Test and Research

LMO for test and research generally includes genetically modified plants, genetically modified animals and genetically modified microorganisms that are used or developed in research facilities.

Before the enforcement of the LMO Act, there was no safety management of LMO for test and research at the government level. Since 2008 when the LMO Act took effect, research facilities that intend to develop or conduct experiment using LMO are required to make a report or obtain permission for such development and experiment according to their Safety Management Levels.

Research facilities that have made a report or obtained permission should also gain approval for development and experiment of LMO that poses high risk to the human body or the environment. In addition, research facilities that intend to import LMO for test and research should make a report or obtain permission depending on the degree of risk.