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Safety Inspection

Safety Management Standard

Isolated field facilities should comply with the following equipment requirements.

Equipment Requirements

Category Equipment Requirements
Field Common 1) Separate isolated field facilityphysically from the surroundings by setting up fence or wall.
Ensure that the height of fence or wall is at least 2m including the height of underground support structure.

2) Ensure that isolated field facility has locking equipment for access control and signboard installed for indication of LMO experiment place.

3) Prevent pollen dispersal, if needed, by removing reproductive organ during flowering season, covering plastic bag, installing mesh cover, etc.

4) Investigate distribution of breedable conspecific or allied wild species near the field and remove such species if present within breeding range.

5) After treating pathogenic genetically modified plant, disinfect and discard soil, plant body, used farm equipment, work clothes, etc. after finishing work.

6) Install water catchment pass and water catchment area to ensure that genetically modified plant, byproduct, etc. are not discharged during draining.

7) Store farm equipment, work clothes, etc. in isolated field facility and secure sufficient work space to ensure that treated LMO in isolated field facility is not spilled into the outside
LMO for Environmental Remediation 1) Ensure, in case of experiment on LMO for environmental remediation in general open field, that measures are taken to prevent spread of material for pollution reduction that is employed for experiment and secondary by-product that arises naturally.

2) Ensure, in case of experiment on LMO for environmental remediation in polluted area, that measures are taken to prevent spread of secondary by-product that arises naturally.